31 de janeiro de 2021
Capítulo 1 – No He Venido a Derogar la Ley – Item 1 a 7
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No penséis que he venido a derogar la ley o
Chapter 1 – I have not come to destroy the law – Items 1 – 7
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The Three RevelationsMoses I. I am the Lord your God,
Chapter 1 – I have not come to destroy the law – Item 8
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The Alliance between Science and Religion Science and religion are
Capítulo 1 – No He Venido a Derogar la Ley – 8
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Alianza de la ciencia con la religión 8. La ciencia
Chapter 1 – I have not come to destroy the law – Item 9
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The Spirits’ Teachings The New Era God is one, and
Capítulo 1 – No He Venido a Derogar la Ley – 9
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Chapter 1 – I have not come to destroy the law – Item 10
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One day, God, out of his inexhaustible charity, allowed humankind
Capítulo 1 – No He Venido a Derogar la Ley – 10
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10. Cierto día, Dios, en su caridad inagotable, permitió al
Chapter 1 – I have not come to destroy the law – Item 11
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Saint Augustine is one of the  greatest divulgers of Spiritism.
Capítulo 1 – No He Venido a Derogar la Ley – 11
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11. San Agustín es uno de los más importantes divulgadores
Chapter 2 – My kingdom is not of this world – Items 1 – 3
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1. Then Pilate, returning to enter the palace, and having
Capítulo 2 – Mi Reino no es de Este Mundo – 1 a 3
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1. Entonces Pilato entró de nuevo en el palacio, llamó
Chapter 2 – My kingdom is not of this world – Item 4
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The Kingship of Jesus Everyone understands that  Jesus’  kingdom is
Capítulo 2 – Mi Reino no es de Este Mundo – 4
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La realeza de Jesús 4. Todos comprenden que el reino
Chapter 2 – My kingdom is not of this world – Itens 5 – 7
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The Point of View 5. The clear and precise idea
Capítulo 2 – Mi Reino no es de Este Mundo – 5 a 7
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El punto de vista 5. La idea clara y precisa
Chapter 2 – My kingdom is not of this world – Item 8
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The Spirits’ Teachings An Earthly Kingship 8. Who better than
Capítulo 2 – Mi Reino no es de Este Mundo – 8
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INSTRUCCIONES DE LOS ESPÍRITUS Una realeza terrenal 8. ¿Quién mejor
Chapter 3 – There are many dwellings in my Father’s house – Items 1 – 2
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1. “Let not your hearts be troubled. You believe in
Capítulo 3 – Hay Muchas Moradas en la Casa de Mi Padre – 1 a 2
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No se turbe vuestro corazón. Creéis en Dios; creed también
Chapter 3 – There are many dwellings in my Father’s house – Items 3 – 5
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The Different Categories of Inhabited Worlds 3. From the teaching
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