31 de janeiro de 2021
Chapter 14 – Honor your father and mother – Item 3
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Filial Devotion The commandment, “Honor your father and your mother”
Chapter 14 – Honor your father and mother – Item 4
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4. God said, “Honor your father and your mother so
Chapter 14 – Honor your father and mother – Item 8
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Corporeal Kinship and Spirit Kinship Blood ties do not necessarily
Chapter 14 – Honor your father and mother – Item 9
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The Spirits’ Teachings Children’s Ingratitude and Family Ties Ingratitude is
Chapter 15 – Without charity there is no salvation – Item 1
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What Is Needed in order to Be Saved. Parable of
Chapter 15 – Without charity there is no salvation – Item 2
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Then, a doctor of the law stood up and said
Chapter 15 – Without charity there is no salvation – Item 3
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All of Jesus’ morals are summed up in charity and
Chapter 15 – Without charity there is no salvation – Item 4 – 5
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The Greatest Commandment But having found out that he had
Chapter 15 – Without charity there is no salvation – Items 6 – 7
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The Need for Charity according to Paul Even if I
Chapter 15 – Without charity there is no salvation – Item 8
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Without the Church there is no Salvation. While the maxim,
Chapter 15 – Without charity there is no salvation – Item 9
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Without the Truth there is no Salvation 9.  Without the
Chapter 15 – Without charity there is no salvation – Item 10
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The Spirits’ Teachings Without Charity There is no Salvation 10.
Chapter 16 – You cannot serve both God and mammon – Items 1 – 2
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The Salvation of the Rich 1. No one can serve
Chapter 16 – You cannot serve both God and mammon – Item 3
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Guard Yourselves against Avarice Then, amidst the crowd, a man
Chapter 16 – You cannot serve both God and mammon – Item 4
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Jesus at Zacchaeus’ House Having entered  Jericho, Jesus was walking
Chapter 16 – You cannot serve both God and mammon – Item 5
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Parable of the Evil Rich Man 5. There  was once
Chapter 16 – You cannot serve both God and mammon – Item 6
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Parable of the Talents The Lord acts like a man
Chapter 16 – You cannot serve both God and mammon – Item 7
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The Providential Usefulness of Riches. The Trials of Riches and
Chapter 16 – You cannot serve both God and mammon – Item 8
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The Inequality of Riches The inequality of riches is one
Chapter 16 – You cannot serve both God and mammon – Item 9
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The Spirits’ Teachings True Ownership 9. Humans truly possess only
Chapter 16 – You cannot serve both God and mammon – Item 10
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The goods of the earth belong to God, who distributes
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