31 de janeiro de 2021
Chapter 7 – Blessed are the poor in spirit – Items 7
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Mysteries Hidden from the Learned and Wise 7. Then Jesus
Capítulo 7 – Bienaventurados los Pobres de Espíritu – 7 a 8
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Misterios ocultos a los sabios y a los sagaces 7.
Chapter 7 – Blessed are the poor in spirit – Items 9
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The same occurs today with the great truths revealed by
Capítulo 7 – Bienaventurados los Pobres de Espíritu – 9 a 10
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9. Lo mismo sucede hoy con las grandes verdades que
Chapter 7 – Blessed are the poor in spirit – Items 11
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The Spirits’ Teachings Pride and Humility Humility is a much-neglected
Capítulo 7 – Bienaventurados los Pobres de Espíritu – 11
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INSTRUCCIONES DE LOS ESPÍRITUS El orgullo y la humildad Los
Chapter 7 – Blessed are the poor in spirit – Items 12
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O humankind, why do you complain about the calamities that
Capítulo 7 – Bienaventurados los Pobres de Espíritu – 12
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Hombres, ¿por qué os quejáis de las calamidades que vosotros
Chapter 7 – Blessed are the poor in spirit – Items 13
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The Mission of the Intelligent Person on the Earth Do
Chapter 8 – Blessed are the pure of heart – Items 1 – 4
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Let the Children Come to Me 1. Blessed are the
Chapter 8 – Blessed are the pure of heart – Items 5 – 7
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Sinning in Thought; Adultery 5. “You have learned that it
Chapter 8 – Blessed are the pure of heart – Items 8 – 9
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True Purity. Unclean Hands 8. Then the scribes and Pharisees
Chapter 8 – Blessed are the pure of heart – Item 10
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10. The Jews had neglected the true commandments of God
Chapter 8 – Blessed are the pure of heart – Items 11 – 12
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Scandals. If your hand is a cause for scandal, cut
Chapter 8 – Blessed are the pure of heart – Items 13 – 15
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13. It is necessary for there to be scandals in
Chapter 8 – Blessed are the pure of heart – Items 16 – 17
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16. But woe to him through whom scandal comes. This
Chapter 8 – Blessed are the pure of heart – Item 18
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The Spirits’ Teachings Let the children come to me 18.
Chapter 8 – Blessed are the pure of heart – Item 19
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Let the little children come to me, for I have
Chapter 8 – Blessed are the pure of heart – Item 20
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Blessed Are They Whose Eyes Are Closed My good friends,
Chapter 8 – Blessed are the pure of heart – Item 21
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Whenever an  affliction is not  the  result of acts of
Chapter 9 – Blessed are the meek and peace-loving – Items 1 – 4
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Insults and Violence 1. Blessed are the meek, for they
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