One day, God, out of his inexhaustible charity, allowed humankind to see the truth dissipate the darkness. That day was the advent of Christ. After that living light, the darkness returned. The world, after the alternatives of truth and obscurity, became lost once again. Then, just like the prophets of the Old Testament, the Spirits began to speak and to warn you: The world is being shaken on its very foundations; the thunder shall resound; stand firm!
Spiritism is of a divine order since it rests upon the very laws of nature, and you can be certain that everything of a divine order has a great and useful purpose. Your world has lost its way, and science, developing at the cost of moral order and leading you only to material well-being, has reverted to profiting the spirit of darkness. Christians, you know that the heart and love must walk hand in hand with science. The reign of Christ, alas! After eighteen centuries, and in spite of the blood of so many martyrs, that reign has not yet come. Christians, turn toward the Master, who wishes to save you. Everything is easy for those who believe and love. Love fills them with ineffable joy. Yes, my children, the world is being shaken; the good Spirits have told you this more than enough times. Bend under the foretelling breeze of the storm so that you are not knocked over; that is, prepare yourselves and do not be like the foolish virgins who were taken by surprise at the arrival of the bridegroom.
This revolution that is being prepared is more moral than material. The great Spirits, the divine messengers, inspire faith so that all of you, enlightened and fervent workers, may make your humble voices heard, for you are only a grain of sand; but without grains of sand there would be no mountains. Hence the words “We are so small” hold no meaning for you. To each his or her mission, to each his or her labor. Do not ants build their republic, and do not imperceptible animalcules10 raise continents? The new crusade has begun. Apostles of universal peace and not of war, modern Saint Bernards, look and march ahead. The law of worlds is the law of progress.
Fenelon (Poitiers, 1861)