Saint Augustine is one of the greatest divulgers of Spiritism. He manifests himself almost everywhere. We find the reason for this in the life of this great Christian philosopher, who belongs to the mighty phalanx of the Church Fathers, to whom Christianity owes its most solid bases. Like many others, he was uprooted from paganism, or rather, from the most profound impiety, by the splendor of the truth. When, in the midst of his excesses, he felt in his soul that strange vibration calling him back to himself, enabling him to understand that happiness lay elsewhere than in debilitating and fleeting pleasures; when, finally, on his own way to Damascus he too heard the holy voice exclaim, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” he exclaimed, “My God! My God! Forgive me! I believe; I am a Christian!” And from then on he became one of the firmest supporters of the Gospel. In the famous Confessions that this eminent spirit left us, one may read the simultaneously characteristic and prophetic words he uttered after having lost St. Monica: “I am convinced that my mother will return to visit me and give me counsel, revealing to me what awaits us in the future life.” What a lesson in these words, and what a brilliant foresight of the future doctrine! This is why today, seeing that the hour has come to divulge the truth that he had predicted, he has become its ardent propagator and has multiplied himself, so to speak, in order to answer all who call upon him.
Erastus, disciple of St. Paul (Paris 1863)