1. “Let not your hearts be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me. There are many dwellings in my Father’s house; if it were not so I would have told you, for I am going to prepare the place, and after I have gone and have prepared the place for you, I will return and will take you with me, so that there where I am you may be also.” (Jn. 14:1-3)
The Different States of the Soul in the Errant State
2. The Father’s house is the universe; the different dwellings are the worlds that revolve in infinite space, offering to incarnate spirits stations appropriate to their advancement.
Regardless of the diversity of worlds, these words may also be understood as referring to the happy or unhappy situation of the spirit in the errant state. The spirit’s environment, its point of view regarding things, the sensations it experiences and its perceptions will vary infinitely, depending on its degree of purification and how detached it is from material ties. While some spirits cannot leave the sphere in which they live, others can travel through space and go to other worlds. While certain guilty spirits wander in darkness, the blessed ones enjoy a resplendent light and the sublime spectacle of the infinite. Finally, while the evil spirit, tormented by remorse and lamentation, frequently alone, without consolation and separated from the objects of its affection, groans under the duress of mental suffering, the righteous spirit, reunited with those whom it loves, enjoys the delights of an indescribable bliss. There are therefore many mansions, although they are neither circumscribed nor localized.