The Spirits’ Teachings
Highly Evolved and Less Evolved Worlds
8. The catagorizing of worlds as either less evolved or highly evolved is more relative than absolute. A world is less evolved or highly evolved in relation to those that are above or below it on the scale of progression.
Taking the earth as a point of comparison, one can form an idea of the state of a less evolved world by supposing its inhabitants to be at the degree of the primitive or barbaric14 cultures that may still be found on earth’s surface, and which are remnants of earth’s primitive state. On the least evolved worlds, the beings that inhabit them are, to a certain extent, rudimentary. They have the human form but are devoid of any beauty. Their instincts are not tempered by any sentiment of refinement or benevolence, or by any notions of right or wrong. Brute force is the only law. With no industry or inventions, they spend life in conquest of food. Nevertheless, God does not abandon any of his creatures; in the darkest depths of their mind lies the latent, sometimes more, sometimes less developed, vague intuition of a Supreme Being. This instinct is enough to render some more advanced than others and to prepare their ascension to a more complete life, for they are not degraded beings but children who are growing up.
In between the lowest and highest degrees there are innumerable levels, and in the pure, dematerialized spirits shining in glory it is difficult to recognize those who used to animate such primitive beings, in the same way that in the adult person it is difficult to recognize the embryo.
9. In worlds that have reached a highly evolved degree, the conditions of moral and material life are very different from those on earth. The corporeal form, as everywhere else, is always the human form, but embellished, perfected and, above all, purified. The body possesses nothing of earthly materiality, and consequently is subject neither to the needs, the diseases, nor the deteriorations that the predominance of matter engenders. The senses, more refined, have perceptions that the denseness of the organs stifle on this world. The specific lightness of the body enables rapid and easy locomotion; instead of dragging itself laboriously over the ground, it glides – so to speak – over the surface or sails through the air with no other effort than that of the will, in the way in which angels are portrayed, or in which the ancients imagined the manes15 on the Elysian Fields. Depending on their wishes, humans retain the features of their past migrations and appear to their friends as they were known to them, but illuminated by a divine light and transfigured by inner impressions that are always of an elevated nature. Instead of pallid faces stricken by suffering and passion, intelligence and life radiate from that splendor, which painters have portrayed by the halo or aureole of the saints.
The little resistance that matter poses to highly advanced spirits renders the development of bodies more rapid and infancy short or almost non-existent. In the absence of worries and troubles, life is proportionally much longer than on earth. In principle, longevity is proportional to the degree of advancement of each world. Death holds none of the horrors of decomposition. Far from being an object of dread, it is regarded as a happy transformation, because on such worlds the doubt as to the future does not exist. During life, the soul, not being enclosed within
There are many dwellings in my Father’s house compact matter, radiates and enjoys a lucidity that places it in an almost permanent state of emancipation and allows for the free transmission of thought.
10. On such blissful worlds, relationships between nations are always friendly and are never disturbed by the ambition of dominating their neighbor, or by war, which is its consequence. There are no masters, slaves or privileges of birth; only moral and intellectual ascendancy establish the differences of conditions and confer supremacy. Authority is always respected, for it is conferred only on those who have merit and it is always exercised with justice. Humans do not try to raise themselves above others, but only above themselves by striving for perfection. Their objective is to reach the class of the pure spirits, and this unceasing desire is not a torment but a noble ambition that makes them study ardently in order to become like them. All the tender and elevated sentiments of human nature are found there, augmented and purified. Hatred, petty jealousies and the menial covetousness of envy are unknown. A bond of love and fraternity unites all humans; the strongest help the weakest. Their possessions vary to a greater or lesser degree according to what they have acquired by means of their intelligence, but no one suffers for lack of necessities, since no one is undergoing expiation. In other words, evil does not exist.
11. On your world, you need evil in order to sense the good; night to admire the light; sickness to appreciate health. On highly evolved worlds such contrasts are not necessary. Eternal light, eternal beauty and eternal serenity of the soul provide an eternal joy that is disturbed neither by the anxieties of material life nor contact with evil persons, who have no access there. This is what the human spirit finds most difficult to comprehend; ingenious at painting the torments of hell, it could never represent the delights of heaven. Why not? Because, being little-evolved, it has borne only pain and misery, and not having glimpsed the heavenly splendor, it can only speak of what it knows. As the human spirit evolves and purifies itself, however, the horizon becomes resplendent and it comprehends the good that lies ahead as well as the evil that has been left behind.
12. Nevertheless, such fortunate worlds are not privileged, for God is not partial toward any of his children. He gives to all the same rights and faculties to ascend to such worlds. God makes all start from the same point and endows no one with more than the others. The highest positions are accessible to all, and it is their responsibility to win them through labor, to reach them as soon as possible or to linger through centuries and centuries in the underworlds of humankind. (Summary of the teaching of all the Spirits.)