The Promised Consoler
3. “If you love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray to my Father and he will send you another consoler so that he may remain with you forever: the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But as for you, you will know him because he will remain with you and will be among you. But the consoler, who is the Holy Spirit, whom my Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will enable you to remember everything that I have said to you.” (Jn. 14:15-17, 26)
4. Jesus promises another consoler: the Spirit of Truth, whom the world does not yet know because it is not mature enough to understand him, and whom the Father will send to teach all things and bring to remembrance what Christ has said. Therefore, if the Spirit of Truth must come later to teach all things, it is because Christ has not said everything. If the Spirit comes to bring to remembrance what Christ has said, it is because it has been forgotten or poorly understood.
Spiritism has come at the stated time to fulfill Christ’s promise: the Spirit of Truth presides over its establishment; it calls humans to observe the law and teaches all things by enabling them to understand what Christ said only in parables. Christ stated, “Let those hear who have ears to hear.” Spiritism has come to open eyes and ears because it speaks without figures or allegories. It lifts the veil intentionally left over certain mysteries. It has come, finally, to bring supreme consolation to the disinherited of the earth and all those who suffer, attributing a just cause and useful purpose to all pain.
Christ said, “Blessed are the afflicted, for they shall be comforted.” But how can we bless suffering if we do not know why we suffer? Spiritism shows that the cause lies in previous existences and in the destiny of the earth, where humans expiate their past. It shows them the purpose of their sufferings as being salutary crises which lead to healing and which are the purification that ensures happiness in future existences. Humans understand that they deserve to suffer and they find suffering to be just. They know that this suffering aids their progress and they accept it without complaining, just as workers accept the work that will ensure their wages. Spiritism provides them an unshakable faith in the future, and bitter doubt no longer falls upon their soul. It enables them to see things from a higher point of view; the importance of earthly vicissitudes is lost in the vast and splendid horizon that Spiritism contemplates, and the perspective of happiness that awaits them gives them the patience, resignation and courage needed to follow their pathway to the end. Thus, Spiritism accomplishes what Jesus said about the promised consoler: the knowledge of things that enables humans to know where they have come from, where they are going and why they are on the earth. It is the call to the true principles of God’s law and consolation through faith and hope.