The Spirits’ Teachings
The Coming of the Spirit of Truth
5. I have come, as I once came amongst the wayward children of Israel, to bring the truth and dissipate the darkness. Listen to me. Spiritism, as my word of old, must remind disbelievers that above them reigns the immutable truth: the good God, the great God who makes the plant germinate and raises the tides. I have revealed the divine Doctrine, and like a reaper, I have gathered into sheaves the good scattered amid humankind and have said, “Come unto me, all you who suffer!”
However, ungrateful men and women have strayed from the straight and broad way that leads to the kingdom of my Father, and have become lost on the bitter path of impiety. My Father does not want to annihilate the human race; he wants you, through the help you give one another – both the living and the dead, that is, dead according to the flesh, since death does not exist – to succor one another, and for the voice of the prophets and apostles no longer to be heard, but instead, the voice of those who have departed from the earth, proclaiming to you, “Pray and believe! For death is resurrection and life is the chosen trial during which your cultivated virtues must grow and develop like the cedar.”
O frail humans, who are aware of the darkness of your minds, do not stray from the beacon that divine clemency has placed in your hands to light your way and lead you, as lost children, back to the bosom of your Father.
I am too moved with compassion for your miseries, your great frailty, not to extend a sure hand to those wayward unfortunates who, seeing heaven, fall into the abysses of error. Believe, love and meditate upon the things that are being revealed to you. Do not mix tares with the good seed, utopias with the truth.
O Spiritists! Love one another; this is the first teaching. Educate yourselves; this is the second. All truths are found in Christianity. The errors that have become rooted within it are of human origin; and here, beyond the grave – which you believed was nothingness – voices cry out to you: “Brothers and sisters! Nothing perishes. Jesus Christ is the victor over evil; be victors over impiety.
”The Spirit of Truth (Paris, 1860)