The Mission of the Intelligent Person on the Earth
Do not pride yourself on what you know, because such knowing has very narrow limits in the world on which you dwell. But even supposing you were one of those distinguished personalities on this globe, you would still have no right to flatter yourself. If in his designs God has enabled you to be born into an environment where you are able to develop your intelligence, it is because he wills for you to employ it for the good of all. It is a mission he has given you, putting in your hands the instrument that will help you, in your turn, to develop the intelligences lagging behind and lead them to God. Does not the nature of that instrument indicate the use to be made of it? Does not the hoe that the gardener places in the hands of his helper show the helper that he must till? What would you say if this helper, instead of working, raised the hoe in order to strike his master? You would say that it is horrible and that he deserves to be dismissed. Well then, does not the same occur with those who use their intelligence to destroy the idea of God and Providence amongst their brothers and sisters? Do they not raise against their Master the hoe that was given to them to till the soil? Do they have a right to their wages, or do they deserve to be expelled from the garden instead? Do not doubt that they will be expelled, and they will trudge through miserable lives full of humiliation until they bow before the One to whom they owe everything.
Intelligence is rich in merit for the future, but on the condition that it is employed rightly. If all people who have been given it used it according to God’s designs, the Spirits’ task of enabling humankind to advance would be easy. Unfortunately, many make of it an instrument of pride and perdition for themselves. Humans abuse their intelligence like all their other faculties; nonetheless, the lessons are not lacking to warn them that a powerful hand can take back what it has given them.
Ferdinand, a Protector Spirit (Bordeaux, 1862)