5. What did Jesus mean by these words: “Blessed are the meek, for they shall possess the earth,” he who stated that one should renounce the things of this world and promised those of heaven?
While waiting for the things of heaven, humans have need of the things of the earth in order to live. He only advises them not to attach more importance to the latter than to the former.
By these words Jesus means that up till now the things of the earth have been monopolized by aggressive persons to the harm of those who are meek and peace-loving; that the latter often lack the necessities, while the former have the superfluous. He promises that justice will be rendered to the meek and peace-loving on earth as in heaven, for they shall be called children of God. When the law of love and charity is finally the law of humankind, there will be no more selfishness; the weak and peace-loving will no longer be exploited or crushed by the strong and aggressive. Such will be the state of the earth, when, according to the law of progress and the promise of Jesus, it becomes a blessed world through the expulsion of evil individuals.