Do not wear yourself out for the possession of gold
9. Do not fret for the possession of gold or silver or any other coins in your purse. Do not prepare a bag for your journey, or two cloaks, or shoes, or staff, for those who work deserve to be fed.
10. In any city or town that you have entered, inquire as to who is worthy to house you, and remain with him until you leave. When you enter the house, greet it saying: May peace be in this house. If the house is worthy, your peace will come upon it; if it is not, your peace will return to you.
Whenever someone does not wish to receive you or to listen to your words, when you leave that house or city, wipe the dust from your feet. Verily I say to you that on the day of Judgment, Sodom and Gomorrah will be treated less harshly than that city. (Mt. 10:9-15)
11. These words, which Jesus addressed to his disciples when he sent them out for the first time to proclaim the Good News, display nothing strange for that era: they are in keeping
with the patriarchal customs of the East, where the traveler was always welcomed into one’s tent. However, back then travelers were rare. Among modern cultures, the increase in travel has led to the creation of new customs, and those of ancient times are found only in far-off regions that have not yet been affected by much travel. And if Jesus were to return today, he would no longer be able to tell his disciples: Set out without any provisions.
Besides their actual meaning, these words contain a much deeper moral meaning. Jesus was thereby teaching his disciples to trust in Providence. By having nothing, they could not tempt the greed of those who received them. It was a way to distinguish the charitable ones from the selfish. That is why he said to them: “Inquire as to who is worthy to house you”; which means, who is humane enough to shelter the traveler who has no means of paying, because such persons are worthy of hearing your words. By their charity you will recognize them.
As for those who did not want to welcome them or listen to them, did he tell his disciples to curse them, to impose themselves on them or to use force and coercion to convert them? No, but purely and simply to go somewhere else and look for persons of goodwill.
This is what Spiritism tells its adherents today. Do not violate anyone’s conscience. Do not force anyone to leave their own beliefs to adopt yours. Do not cast an anathema on those who do not think like you. Gather those who come to you and leave in peace those who reject you. Remember Christ’s words. Formerly heaven was taken by force; today it is taken by kindness.