We pray to Almighty Lord God to send us good spirits to assist us, to keep away spirits who might induce us to error, and to grant us the light necessary to distinguish truth from falsehood. Also, keep away incarnate or discarnate malevolent spirits who might try to sow discord among us and lead us away from
charity and love toward our neighbor. If any try to come here, do not allow them access to any of our hearts. Good spirits, who come to teach us, render us amenable to your counsels. Keep from us any thought of selfishness, pride, envy or jealousy. Inspire us to be indulgent and benevolent toward
our fellow beings, whether present or absent, friendly or hostile. Finally, enable us to recognize your salutary influence through the sentiments that animate us. Give to the mediums whom you entrust to transmit your teachings the holy awareness of the mandate that has been entrusted to them and the seriousness of the act they are about to perform so that they may employ the necessary fervor and concentration to do so. If in this gathering there are persons who have been attracted by sentiments other than those of the good, open their eyes to the light and forgive them just as we will forgive them if they have come with malevolent intentions. We especially pray to the spirit of our brother, our spirit guide, to assist us and watch over us.