Wise and benevolent spirits, messengers of God, whose mission is to assist people and lead them on the
pathway of the good, uphold me during the trials of this life. Give me strength to bear them without complaint. Keep from me evil thoughts and help me not to give access to any of the evil spirits who
may try to induce me to evil. Enlighten my conscience regarding my faults, and lift from my eyes the veil of pride that prevents me from perceiving them and acknowledging them to myself. You especially, [name], my guardian angel, who watches most particularly over me, and all you protector spirits who have
taken an interest in me, enable me to become worthy of your benevolence. You know my needs; may they be fulfilled according to God’s will.
Dear God, allow the good spirits who assist me to come to my aid when I am in trouble, and to uphold
me if I waver. O Lord, enable them to inspire me with faith, hope and charity. May they be for me a support, a hope and a proof of your mercy. Finally, enable me to find in them the strength I lack in life’s trials, and, in order to resist evil suggestions, the faith that saves and the love that consoles.