You have given me, O God, the intelligence I need to distinguish between good and evil. Thus, the instant in which I realize that something is evil, I am guilty if I do not make an effort to resist it. Keep me from the pride that may prevent me from perceiving my faults, and from the evil spirits who may incite me to persevere in them. Amongst my imperfections, I realize that I am particularly inclined toward my brother and if I do not resist this inclination, it is because of my habit to give in to it. You did not create me blameworthy, for you are just; but you created me with an equal aptitude for either good or evil. If I
have followed the evil pathway, it is a result of my free will. But for the same reason that I have the freedom to do evil, I can also do the good. Consequently, I can change my course. My current faults are remains of the imperfections I have retained from my previous existences. That is my original sin, from which I may unburden myself with my will and the assistance of good spirits. Good spirits who watch over me, and especially you, my guardian angel, give me strength to resist evil suggestions and emerge victorious from the struggle. Faults are barriers that separate us from God, and each one that is overcome is a step taken on the path of progress that shall bring me closer to him. The Lord, in his infinite mercy, has willed to grant me this present existence to serve for my advancement. Good spirits, help me to take advantage of I so that I may not waste it, and that, when it pleases God to take me from it, I may leave more evolved than when I entered.