Almighty God, may your mercy extend over the soul of our brother, whom you are calling to you. May the
trials he has borne while on earth be taken into account, and may our prayers soften and shorten the suffering he might yet be feeling as a spirit! Good spirits who have come to receive him, and especially you, his guardian angel, help him be rid of matter; give him the enlightenment and self-awareness needed to remove him from the confusion that accompanies the passage from the corporeal to the spirit life. Inspire in him repentance for the wrongs he might have committed, and the knowledge that he is allowed to right them in order to hasten his advancement toward bliss eternal. My friend, you have just reentered the world of spirits; nevertheless, you are still here amongst us; you can see and hear us because there is nothing between you and us but the perishable body that you left behind and which will soon be reduced to dust. You have left behind the coarse envelope, subject to vicissitudes and death, and you have retained only the ethereal envelope, imperishable and inaccessible to suffering. If you no
longer live through the body, you do live the life of the spirits, and that life is exempt from the miseries that afflict humanity. You no longer possess the veil that hides from our eyes the splendors of the future life; from now on, you can contemplate new wonders, whereas we are still immersed in darkness. You are going to travel space and visit worlds with complete freedom, whereas we trudge painfully along on the earth where we retain our physical body like a heavy burden. The horizon of infinity is going to unfold before you, and in the presence of such grandeur you shall understand the vanity of the earthly desires, worldly ambitions and futile joys that make up the delight of humankind. For humans, death is only a physical separation that lasts a few instants. From a place of exile where God’s will still retains us,
as do the duties we must yet fulfill in this world, we shall follow you in thought until the moment in which we will be allowed to rejoin you, just as you have rejoined those who preceded you. If we cannot go to where you are to be near to you, you can come to be near to us. So come to be among those who love
you and whom you love; uphold them in life’s trials; watch over those who are dear to you; watch over them according to your ability and soften their grief with the thought that you are now happier, and with the consoling certainty that they will some day be reunited with you in a better world. In the world where you now are, all earthly resentments must cease. For your future happiness, may you from this day onward be inaccessible to them. Forgive, therefore, those who committed wrongs against you, just as they forgive you for those you may have committed against them.