God of mercy, who accepts the sincere repentance of the sinner, whether incarnate or discarnate, here is
a spirit who took pleasure in evil, but who now recognizes ours brothers erros and is entering upon the pathway of the good. Dear God, deign to receive him as a prodigal child and forgive him. Good spirits, whose voice he failed to acknowledge, he now wants you to hear him from this day onward. Allow him to foresee the happiness of the Lord’s elect so that he may persist in the desire to purify him in order to reach it. Uphold him in his good resolutions and give him the strength to resist his evil instincts. Our dear friend, we commend you for your change and we give thanks to the good spirits who have helped you.
If you used to take pleasure in doing evil, it was because you did not understand how sweet the joy in doing good was; you also felt too lowly to hope to achieve it. But from the moment in which you stepped onto the good path, a light began to shine for you; you have begun to experience an unknown happiness, and hope has entered you soul. It is because God always hears the prayer of the repentant sinner and does not spurn anyone who comes to him. To enter completely into his grace, apply yourself from hereon out, not only in no longer committing evil, but in doing the good, and especially in repairing the evil you have done. Then, you will have satisfied God’s justice. Each good act will erase one of your past wrongs.
The first step has been taken. Now, the more you advance the easier and more pleasant the pathway will seem to you. So persevere, and one day you will experience the glory of being counted among the good and happy spirits.