Dear God, allow good spirits to free me from the evil spirit that has attached itself to me. If it is an act of vengeance that it is pursuing for the wrongs I might have committed against it in the past, you have allowed it, dear God, for my punishment, and I bear the consequence of my wrong. May my repentance merit your forgiveness and my deliverance! But whatever its reason may be, I ask that your mercy be upon it. Deign to make easier its path of progress, which will divert its thought from doing evil. On my part, may I repay evil with goodness, thereby leading it to better sentiments. But I also know, dear God, that it is my imperfections that have rendered me accessible to the influence of imperfect spirits. Give me the necessary enlightenment to recognize them; especially, combat within me the pride that blinds me toward my own faults.How unworthy I must be to have allowed an evil spirit to dominate me! Dear God, may this blow to my vanity serve as a lesson for the future; may it strengthen me in the resolution I have
made to purify myself through the practice of goodness, charity and humility so that from now on I may set up a barrier to evil influences. Lord, give me strength to bear this trial with patience and resignation. I understand that, just like all other trials, it will aid my advancement if I do not ruin its fruits by complaining, since it furnishes me the opportunity to show my submission and to practice charity toward an unhappy brother/sister by forgiving the evil he/she has done to me.