Chapter 16 – You cannot serve both God and mammon – Item 3
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Guard Yourselves against Avarice Then, amidst the crowd, a man
Chapter 16 – You cannot serve both God and mammon – Item 4
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Jesus at Zacchaeus’ House Having entered  Jericho, Jesus was walking
Chapter 16 – You cannot serve both God and mammon – Item 5
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Parable of the Evil Rich Man 5. There  was once
Chapter 16 – You cannot serve both God and mammon – Item 6
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Parable of the Talents The Lord acts like a man
Chapter 16 – You cannot serve both God and mammon – Item 7
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The Providential Usefulness of Riches. The Trials of Riches and
Chapter 16 – You cannot serve both God and mammon – Item 8
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The Inequality of Riches The inequality of riches is one
Chapter 16 – You cannot serve both God and mammon – Item 9
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The Spirits’ Teachings True Ownership 9. Humans truly possess only
Chapter 16 – You cannot serve both God and mammon – Item 10
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The goods of the earth belong to God, who distributes
Chapter 16 – You cannot serve both God and mammon – Item 11
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The Use of Riches You cannot serve both God and
Chapter 16 – You cannot serve both God and mammon – Item 12
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Whenever I consider how short life is, I am grievously
Chapter 16 – You cannot serve both God and mammon – Item 13
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Since humans are the trustees and administrators of the wealth
Chapter 16 – You cannot serve both God and mammon – Item 14
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Detachment  from Earthly Possessions Your  love for earthly possessions  is
Chapter 16 – You cannot serve both God and mammon – Item 15
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The Transmission of Wealth Does the principle  according to which
Chapter 17 – Be perfect – Item 1
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The Characteristics of Perfection Love your enemies; do good to
Chapter 17 – Be perfect – Item 2
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Since God possesses infinite perfection in all things, the maxim,
Chapter 17 – Be perfect – Item 3
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Moral Persons Truly moral persons are those who practice the
Chapter 17 – Be perfect – Item 4
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Good Spiritists Spiritism, when well-understood, but  especially  when well-felt, inevitably
Chapter 17 – Be perfect – Items 5 – 6
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Parable of the Sower On that same day, Jesus, having
Chapter 17 – Be perfect – Item 7
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The Spirits’ Teachings Duty Duty is an individual’s moral obligation,
Chapter 17 – Be perfect – Item 8
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Virtue In  its highest expression, virtue encompasses all the essential
Chapter 17 – Be perfect – Item 9
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Superiors and Subordinates Authority, as much as wealth, is a
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