Chapter 5 – Blessed are the afflicted – Item 5
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Human law reaches certain wrongs and punishes them; condemned persons
Capítulo 5 – Bienaventurados los Afligidos – 5
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La ley humana contempla ciertas faltas y las penaliza. El
Chapter 5 – Blessed are the afflicted – Item 6
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Prior Causes of Afflictions However, if there are misfortunes in
Capítulo 5 – Bienaventurados los Afligidos – 6
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Causas anteriores de las aflicciones Pero si bien en esta
Chapter 5 – Blessed are the afflicted – Item 7
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Sufferings due to prior causes are frequently, like those that
Capítulo 5 – Bienaventurados los Afligidos – 7
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Los padecimientos que se deben a causas anteriores suelen ser,
Chapter 5 – Blessed are the afflicted – Item 8
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Life’s tribulations may be imposed on hardened spirits or those
Capítulo 5 – Bienaventurados los Afligidos – 8
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Las tribulaciones de la vida son impuestas a los Espíritus
Chapter 5 – Blessed are the afflicted – Item 9
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One must not think, however, that every instance of suffering
Capítulo 5 – Bienaventurados los Afligidos – 9
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Con todo, no debe creerse que los padecimientos que se
Chapter 5 – Blessed are the afflicted – Item 10
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Spirits cannot aspire to perfect happiness as long as they
Capítulo 5 – Bienaventurados los Afligidos – 10
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Los Espíritus sólo pueden aspirar a la perfecta felicidad cuando
Chapter 5 – Blessed are the afflicted – Item 11
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Forgetfulness of the Past It is in vain that one
Capítulo 5 – Bienaventurados los Afligidos – 11
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Olvido del pasado En vano se alega que el olvido
Chapter 5 – Blessed are the afflicted – Item 12
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Reasons for Resigning Oneself With the words, “Blessed are the
Capítulo 5 – Bienaventurados los Afligidos – 12
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Motivos de resignación Con estas palabras: Bienaventurados los afligidos, porque
Chapter 5 – Blessed are the afflicted – Item 13
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Humans can either soften or increase the bitterness of their
Capítulo 5 – Bienaventurados los Afligidos – 13
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El hombre puede disminuir o aumentar la amargura de sus
Chapter 5 – Blessed are the afflicted – Items 14 – 15
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Suicide and Insanity 14. The calm and resignation acquired in
Capítulo 5 – Bienaventurados los Afligidos – 14 a 15
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El suicidio y la locura 14. La calma y la
Chapter 5 – Blessed are the afflicted – Items 16 – 17
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16. Disbelief, simple doubts about the future – materialistic ideas,
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