Chapter 10 – Blessed are the merciful – Item 15
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Forgiving one’s enemies is to ask forgiveness for oneself; forgiving
Chapter 10 – Blessed are the merciful – Item 16
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Indulgence 16. Spiritists, today we would like to speak to
Chapter 10 – Blessed are the merciful – Item 17
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Be indulgent toward the wrongs of others, whatever they might
Chapter 10 – Blessed are the merciful – Item 18
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Dear friends, be strict with yourselves but indulgent toward the
Chapter 10 – Blessed are the merciful – Item 19
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19. Since no one is perfect,  does it follow that
Chapter 10 – Blessed are the merciful – Item 20
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20. Would it be reprehensible to observe others’ imperfections when
Chapter 10 – Blessed are the merciful – Item 21
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21. Are there cases in which it is useful to
Chapter 11 – Loving One’s Neighbor as Oneself – Items 1 – 2
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The Greatest Commandment 1. The Pharisees, having  learned that he
Chapter 11 – Loving One’s Neighbor as Oneself – Item 3
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3. The kingdom  of heaven is like a king who
Chapter 11 – Loving One’s Neighbor as Oneself – Item 4
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Loving one’s neighbor as oneself; doing unto others what we
Chapter 11 – Loving One’s Neighbor as Oneself – Items 5 – 7
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Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s 5. Then the Pharisees,
Chapter 11 – Loving One’s Neighbor as Oneself – Item 8
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The Spirits’ Teachings The Law of Love 8. Love summarizes
Chapter 11 – Loving One’s Neighbor as Oneself – Item 9
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Love is the divine essence, and from beginning to end
Chapter 11 – Loving One’s Neighbor as Oneself – Item 10
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My dear co-disciples, the Spirits present here tell you through
Chapter 11 – Loving One’s Neighbor as Oneself – Item 12
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If people were to mutually love one another, charity would
Chapter 11 – Loving One’s Neighbor as Oneself – Item 11
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Selfishness Selfishness –  that  plague on  humankind  –  must disappear
Chapter 11 – Loving One’s Neighbor as Oneself – Item 13
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Faith and Charity My dear children, not long ago I
Chapter 11 – Loving One’s Neighbor as Oneself – Item 14
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Charity toward Criminals True  charity is one of the  most
Chapter 11 – Loving One’s Neighbor as Oneself – Item 15
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Should One Risk One’s Own Life for a Criminal? A
Chapter 12 – Love your enemies – Items 1 – 2
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Render good for evil 1. You have learned that it
Chapter 12 – Love your enemies – Item 3
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If love toward one’s neighbor is the principle of charity,
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