Chapter 17 – Be perfect – Item 10
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The Individual in the World A sentiment of compassion must
Chapter 17 – Be perfect – Item 11
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Caring for the Body and the Spirit Does moral perfection
Chapter 18 – Many are called but few are chosen – Items 1 – 2
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Parable of the Wedding Feast Speaking  further  through  parables, Jesus
Chapter 18 – Many are called but few are chosen – Items 3 – 5
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The Narrow Door 3. Enter through the narrow door, for
Chapter 18 – Many are called but few are chosen – Items 6 – 9
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Not all those who say “Lord! Lord!” will enter the
Chapter 18 – Many are called but few are chosen – Items 10 – 12
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Much will be asked of him who has received much
Chapter 18 – Many are called but few are chosen – Items 13 – 15
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The Spirits’ Teachings To him who already has, more will
Chapter 18 – Many are called but few are chosen – Item 16
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Christians Shall be Recognized by Their Deeds 16. “Not all
Chapter 19 – Faith Moves Mountains – Item 1
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The Power of Faith When he came to meet the
Chapter 19 – Faith Moves Mountains – Item 2
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In its proper acceptation, it is certain that confidence in
Chapter 19 – Faith Moves Mountains – Item 3
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In another acceptation, faith means the confidence one has in 
Chapter 19 – Faith Moves Mountains – Item 4
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One     must    guard   against   confusing   faith   with presumptuousness. True
Chapter 19 – Faith Moves Mountains – Item 5
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The power of faith receives a direct and special application
Chapter 19 – Faith Moves Mountains – Item 6
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Religious Faith. The State of Unshakable Faith From the religious
Chapter 19 – Faith Moves Mountains – Item 7
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It is commonly stated that faith cannot be prescribed, from
Chapter 19 – Faith Moves Mountains – Items 8 – 10
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Parable of the Withered Fig Tree 8. When they left
Chapter 19 – Faith Moves Mountains – Item 11
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The Spirits’ Teachings Faith: the Mother of Hope and Charity
Chapter 19 – Faith Moves Mountains – Item 12
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Divine Faith and Human Faith Faith is the innate sentiment
Chapter 20 – Workers of the Last Hour – Item 1
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1. The kingdom of heaven  is like the father of
Chapter 20 – Workers of the Last Hour – Item 2
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The Spirits’ Teachings The last shall be first The workers
Chapter 20 – Workers of the Last Hour – Item 3
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Jesus loved the simplicity of symbols, and in his powerful
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