Be good and charitable; that is the key to heaven you hold in your hands. All the bliss of eternity is contained in this maxim: Love one another. The soul cannot lift itself to higher spiritual realms except by devotion to one’s neighbor; it does not find happiness and consolation except in charitable impulses. Be good, uphold your brothers and sisters, and root out the horrible scourge of selfishness. In fulfilling this duty, you will open to yourselves the way to eternal happiness. Besides, who among you has not felt the heart beat, its inner joy expand at hearing an account of noble self-sacrifice, of a truly charitable deed? If you would seek only the happiness that a good deed brings, you would remain on the path of spiritual progress. Examples are not lacking; what you lack is goodwill, which is very rare. Behold the multitude of righteous men and women, whose memory history has mercifully recorded.
Did Christ not tell you everything regarding the virtues of charity and love? Why do you put aside his divine teachings? Why do you close your ears to his divine words and your hearts to all his gentle maxims? I wish more interest and faith would be displayed in the gospels. But you have forsaken this book and have made it a hollow word, a closed letter; this marvelous code is left in forgottenness; your ills have come only from your intentional abandonment of this summary of the divine laws. So, read these ardent pages about Jesus’ devotion, and meditate on them.
Strong men and women, prepare yourselves; weak men and women, make your meekness and your faith your weapons. Be more persuasive, more constant in the spreading of your new Doctrine. It is not only encouragement that we have come to give you; it is not only to stimulate your eagerness and virtues that God has allowed us to manifest ourselves to you. If you would so desire, you would merely need God’s help and your own will; spirit manifestations are produced only for those whose eyes are shut and whose hearts are stubborn.
Charity is the fundamental virtue that must uphold the entire edifice of earthly virtues. Without charity, none of the others exist. Without charity, there is no hope for a better future, no moral interest to guide us. Without charity there is no faith, for faith is nothing more than a pure ray of light that makes a charitable soul shine.
Charity is the eternal anchor of salvation on all worlds. It is the purest emanation of the Creator himself. It is his own virtue that he gives to his creatures. How can you fail to recognize such supreme goodness? With this thought in mind, what heart could be so wicked as to repress and expel this wholly divine sentiment? What child could be so evil as to rebel against the sweet caress that is charity?
I do not presume to speak of what I myself did, because the Spirits too are modest about their deeds; nonetheless, I believe that I began one of those works that shall contribute the most to relieving your fellow humans. I have frequently seen other spirits ask for the mission of continuing my task. I have seen them, my gentle and dear brothers and sisters, in their merciful and divine ministry, practicing the virtue I recommend to you, with all the joy that such a life of dedication and sacrifice entails. I feel great happiness at seeing how much their character is honored, how much their mission is loved and watched over. O righteous men and women of good and strong will, come together as one in order to broadly continue the work of spreading charity. In the very practice of this virtue you will find your recompense. There is no spiritual joy that will not be provided to you, starting in your present life. Remain united; love one another according to Christ’s precepts. Amen.
St. Vincent de Paul (Paris, 1858)