Without the Church there is no Salvation.
While the maxim, “Without charity there is no salvation” is based on a universal principle and gives all God’s children access to supreme happiness, the dogma Without the Church there is no salvation is based not upon a fundamental faith in God and the immortality of the soul – a faith common to all religions – but instead upon the special faith in particular dogmas; it is exclusive and absolute. Instead of uniting God’s children, it divides them; instead of stirring them to love their brothers and sisters, it maintains and sanctions the strife among the sectarians of various denominations, which mutually regard one another as damned for all eternity, even though they might be relatives and friends in this world. By misunderstanding the great law of equality before the grave, it separates people from one another even in the realm of repose. The maxim, “Without charity there is no salvation” is consecrated to the principle of equality before God and freedom of conscience. With this maxim as a rule, all men and women are brothers and sisters, and whatever may be the way in which they worship the Creator, they hold out their hands to one another and pray for one another. With the dogma Without the Church there is no salvation, they anathematize one other, persecute one another and live as enemies. The father does not pray for the son, nor the son for the father, nor the friend for a friend if they believe each other to be condemned forever. Therefore, this dogma is essentially contrary to the teachings of Christ and the law of the Gospel.