When Jesus stated, “Do not believe that I have come to bring peace, but division,” his thought was the following:
“Do not believe that my doctrine will be established peacefully; it will bring bloody battles, using my name as a pretext, for humans will not have understood me or will not have wanted to understand me. Separated by their beliefs, brothers will unsheathe their swords against one another and division will reign in the midst of the same family, whose members do not share the same faith. I have come to cast fire upon the earth to clean it of error and prejudice, just as fire is put to a field in order to destroy the weeds; and I desire for it to be lit so that the purification may be quicker, for out of conflict the truth will emerge triumphant. Peace will follow war; universal fraternity will follow sectarian hatred; the light of faith will come after the darkness of fanaticism. Then, when the field has been prepared, I will send you the consoler, the Spirit of Truth, who will reestablish all things; that is, given to understand the true meaning of my words, more enlightened individuals will finally be able to understand, and will put an end to the fratricidal battle that divides the children of the same God. Finally, weary of a combat without result, which has left only desolation in its wake and has brought trouble into the midst of families, human beings will realize where their true interests lie regarding this world and the other. They will see on which side the friends and enemies of their peace of mind are located. All will then shelter themselves beneath the same banner, the banner of charity; and all things will be reestablished on the earth in accordance with the truth and principles that I have taught.”