Therefore, if in its prudent wisdom Providence does not reveal truths except gradually, it always reveals them to the degree that humankind matures enough to receive them. Providence holds them in reserve, and not under a bushel. However, for the most part, the individuals who do possess them hide them from the common folk in order to control them. These are the ones who truly put the light under the bushel. That is why all religions have had their mysteries, whose questioning they have proscribed. However, whereas these religions lagged behind, science and intelligence have advanced and torn away the veil of mystery. Having entered adulthood, the common folk wanted to grasp the basis of things and therefore rejected from their faith what was contrary to observation. There can be no absolute mysteries, and Jesus is correct when he states that there is nothing secret that must not become known. Everything that is hidden will be revealed one day, and whatever people cannot yet comprehend on the earth will be subsequently revealed to them on more advanced worlds and when they have become purified. Down on this world, they are still in the fog.