Chapter 26 – Give freely what you have received freely – Items 7 – 8

Mediumship  Free of Charge

7. Modern mediums – because the disciples also possessed mediumship – also have received a free gift from God: that of being the interpreters of spirits for the instruction of humankind, to show them the pathway to the good and to lead them to faith; and not to sell them words that do not belong to them, because they are not the product of their personal conception,  research or personal labor.  God wills for the light to reach everybody; God does not will for the poorest person to be disinherited from it or to be kept from it by saying: I do not have faith, because I could not pay for it; I could not have the consolation of receiving the encouragement and the displays of affection of those whom I weep for, because I am poor. That is why mediumship is not a privilege and is found everywhere. To receive payment for its practice would thus be to divert it from its providential purpose.

8.  All those who know the conditions in which good spirits communicate and their aversion for anything that may have a selfish interest, and who know how little it takes to keep them away, can never believe that high order spirits are at the disposal of the first person who comes along and evokes them for a price at a mediumistic session; plain common sense rejects such a thought. Would it not also be a profanation to evoke for the price of silver the beings whom we respect or who are dear to us? Undoubtedly, one can obtain manifestations this way, but who could guarantee their authenticity? Frivolous, deceitful and cunning spirits, and a whole multitude of unscrupulous low order spirits, will always show up and are always ready to respond to any question asked of them, with no regard for the truth. Thus, those who desire serious communications must first ask for them seriously  after certifying the nature of the sympathies of the medium with the beings of the spirit world.

Now, the first condition for attracting the benevolence of good spirits is humility, devotion, selflessness and complete moral and material disinterest.