The Spirits’ Teachings
An Earthly Kingship
8. Who better than I can understand the truth of these words of our Lord, “My kingdom is not of this world?” I lost myself in pride while on the earth. Who, then, could understand the insignificance of earth’s kingdoms if not I? What of my earthly kingdom did I bring back here with me? Nothing; absolutely nothing. And as if to make my lesson more terrible, it did not even accompany me to the tomb! I was a queen amongst men; as a queen I thought I would enter the kingdom of heaven. Such delusion! Such humiliation, when, instead of being received as a sovereign, I saw above me – far above me – beings whom I had deemed quite small and whom I had despised because they were not of noble blood! Oh! How I then understood the barrenness of the honors and grandeurs that I so eagerly sought on earth!
In order to prepare oneself for a place in this kingdom, self- denial, humility, charity in all its heavenly forms, and benevolence toward all are required. You are not asked who you were or what position you occupied, but what good you did, the tears you wiped away.
O Jesus! You said that your kingdom is not of this world because one must suffer in order to reach heaven, and the steps of a throne cannot lead us to it; only the most trying paths of life do. Therefore, seek your path through the briars and thorns and not amongst the flowers.
People run after earthly things as if they were able to keep them forever, but here there are no more illusions. They soon perceive that they had only been chasing a shadow and that they had neglected the only possessions that were solid and durable, the only ones they could use in the heavenly home, the only ones that give them access to it.
Have pity on those who have not gained the kingdom of heaven. Help them with your prayers, for prayer brings people closer to the Most High; it is the link of union between heaven and earth. Do not forget that!
A queen of France (Havre, 1863)