For Persons for Whom We Have Held Affection

Dear God, deign to favorably receive the prayer we are asking on behalf of the spirit of our brother;
enable him/her to perceive your divine light and render easy the way to eternal happiness. Allow good spirits to take my words and thought to him. You who were dear to me in this world, hear my voice as
it calls out to give you a new token of my affection. God has allowed you to be delivered first; I cannot grieve this without being selfish, because it would be as if I wanted you to still be afflicted with the pain and suffering of life. Thus, I resignedly await the moment of our reunion in that happier world into which you have preceded me. I know that our separation is only momentary and that no matter how long it may seem to me, its duration vanishes before the eternity of the bliss that God promises his elect. May his
goodness keep me from anything that might delay that desired instant, and thus spare me the pain of not meeting you again upon leaving my earthly captivity. Oh! How sweet and comforting is the certainty that between us there is only a material veil that hides you from my sight! That you may be right here by my side and see and hear me as before, and maybe even better than before; that you will not forget me as I
will not forget you; that our thoughts may not cease to intermingle, and that your thought follows and upholds me always. May the peace of the Lord be with you.