O Lord, deign to cast a glance of goodness upon imperfect spirits who are yet in the darkness of ignorance and who do not know you, especially upon the spirit of our brother. Good spirits, help us to enable him to understand that inducing people to evil, obsessing and tormenting them, will prolong his own suffering. Allow the example of the bliss you enjoy to be a source of encouragement for him. Spirits who still delight in evil, you have heard the prayer we are offering for you; it should show you that we desire to do good to you, even though you do evil. You are unhappy because it is impossible to be happy by doing evil. So why remain in suffering when it depends on you to get out of it? Look at the good spirits around you; see how happy they are and if it would not be more pleasing for you to enjoy the
same happiness! You will say that this is impossible for you; but nothing is impossible for those who want it, for God has given you, as he did all his creatures, the freedom to choose between good and evil, that is, between happiness and unhappiness, and no one is condemned to doing evil. If you have the will to do evil, you also have the will to do good deeds and to be happy. Turn you eyes toward God; uplift yourselves for only an instant to him in thought, and a ray of his divine light will come to enlighten you. Say with us these simple words: My God, I repent; forgive me. Try repenting and doing good instead of evil and you will see that his mercy will quickly extend over you, and that an unknown well-being will replace the anguish you now feel. Once you have taken one step along the pathway toward the good, the rest of the way will seem easy. You will then understand how much blissful time you have wasted through your own fault. But a future radiant and full of hope will open before you and will make you forget your miserable past, full of trouble and mental torment, which wouldbe hell for you if it were to last forever. A day will come when your torment will be such that, no matter what the cost, you will want it to stop. The longer you wait, however, the more difficult it will be. Do not believe you will remain forever in your present state; no, that is impossible. You have two prospects before you: one of suffering even more than you have been till now, and the other to be as happy as the good spirits who surround you. The former is
unavoidable if you persist in your obstinacy, but a simple effort of your will is enough to pull you out of your current bad situation. So make haste, for each day of delay is a day lost for your happiness. Good spirits, permit these words to find access to this backward soul, so that they may help it grow closer to God. We ask you in the name of Jesus Christ, who had such great power over evil spirits.