Current Causes of Afflictions
4. The vicissitudes of life are of two types, or if one prefers, they have two very different sources that are important to differentiate: some have their cause in the present life; others outside of it.
On searching for the source of earthly misfortunes, it will be realized that many are the natural consequence of the character and behavior of those who bear them.
How many fail due to their own fault! How many are the victims of their own imprudence, pride and ambition!
How many ruin themselves for lack of discipline or perseverance, for wrong conduct, or for not having limited their desires!
How many unfortunate marriages there are because they result from calculated self-interest or vanity, and because the heart has played no part!
How many disagreements and disastrous quarrels could have been avoided with more moderation and less susceptibility!
How many ills and infirmities are the consequence of intemperance and excesses of all kinds!
How many parents are unhappy with their children because they did not combat their bad inclinations right from the start! Whether from weakness or indifference, they allowed the seeds of pride, selfishness and foolish vanity to develop in them, withering their hearts. Afterward – much later – in reaping what they have sown, they are surprised and afflicted by their children’s lack of respect and gratitude.
Let all those who are stricken in their hearts by life’s vicissitudes and disappointments calmly examine their conscience. Let them go back step by step to the source of the misfortunes that afflict them and see whether they would not often say, “If only I had or had not done this or that, I would not be in such a conundrum.”
Who then can they blame for all their afflictions but themselves? Humans are thus in the majority of cases the artisans of their own misfortunes. But instead of acknowledging this fact, they find it simpler and less humiliating to their vanity to accuse fate, Providence, bad luck or their unlucky star, whereas their unlucky star lies in their own carelessness.
Misfortunes of this nature assuredly comprise a noteworthy contingent in life’s vicissitudes, and humans will avoid them only by working for their moral as well as their intellectual improvement.