Mysteries Hidden from the Learned and Wise
7. Then Jesus spoke these words: “I render you glory, my Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for having hidden these things from the learned and wise, and for having revealed them to the simple and small.” (Mt. 11:25)
8. It might seem peculiar that Jesus renders thanks to God for having revealed such things to the simple – the poor in spirit – and for having hidden them from the learned and wise, who would apparently be more capable of grasping them. It is because one must understand the former as being the humble who humble themselves before God and who do not believe themselves superior to everyone else; and the latter as being the proud, conceited with their worldly knowledge, who believe themselves to be wise because they deny God, or treat God as an equal when they do not repudiate God outright, despite the fact that in antiquity learned was synonymous with wise. That is why God allows them to search for the secrets of earth, whereas God reveals the secrets of heaven to the simplest and to the humble who bow down before God.